Day 45
I started back up reading in Isaiah but the King James Version is sometimes hard to follow. So I went to Romans-which is the last book in the new testament that I remember reading to. So yeah celly always turns up this radio show to where I can hear it. This show is real popular here in L.A. . He is always talking about why things in society keep continuing. This week he is talking about why men always cheat and/or are jerks to their wives. The callers are all saying that wives are not respected that don’t work and because they aren’t in the workforce and are home a lot they are less respected and less intelligent. Anyway so I think we talk about that before that you developed a lot of good attributes from getting educated and being out in the workforce. Point is you didn’t just earn money in all this time of working. You gained things for yourself like: respect, independence, dignity, strength, higher intelligence, power etc.. What if you married some dude who worked and didn’t want you to and you had kids then he cheated and left you like some people we know. I think since God knew I was coming here he needed you to be self sufficient. God also knew thus no kids. Anyway have I mentioned the “shakedowns” here at TI (Terminal Island )? Out of nowhere a team of guards come in to search through all your stuff. Trying to remain content in the hole is a great feat of endurance. Seems some have failed the test and gone completely mad.
Now from my journal the day before I had to self surrender:
Jack’d up! This day is a trip! I’m goin to Badtown tomorrow. Hopefully it’s not all the hell I’m thinking it will be. Mars has been super duper sweet and friendly with me. I will pray for her strength and happiness daily. Well here I go to take it like a man-man up! Should be okay just some anxieties-be fine. Christ is going with me in there in me.
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